Vaccination as a Choice

By Steve Long 

I’m very aware that those in our congregation who are not vaccinated are under extreme pressure. There is pressure to conform or to defend their position. Public opinion in our city and nation seems to be against this segment of our community. In response to forced vaccinations, some of you quietly ask the Lord if you are making the right decision. In contrast, others of you are more vocal in your convictions. As a spiritual leader, I’ve been pondering how I can help people hold on to their convictions and not become regretful about their choice.

In reading various social media posts and listening to my unvaccinated friends, their reasons not to be vaccinated vary. Some of them I find logical, and it's easy to understand their position. I’m struggling to understand others, as it sounds like some reasons may be rooted in pain rather than hearing from the Lord.

Let me give an overview and reminder of where Catch The Fire Church in Toronto stands on vaccinations. We decided in 2020, being vaccinated was a personal choice. As a church, we would not influence either direction but encourage everyone to take this decision to the Lord. We’ve taught people how to hear from God. We’ve encouraged everyone who is in doubt to also consult their family doctor. (If you haven’t read my earlier blog on this topic, click here)

As I understand the mandate, any person may appeal the forced vaccination for their employment by having a medical or a religious exemption under the Human Rights Code. Our church doesn’t have an official written position on this topic, and we cannot help craft exemption letters. That is your role, but we can support you. The Creed section of the Human Rights Code implies a written statement such as our church’s Statement of Faith. Most churches do not have a long-standing position on vaccinations in general, so helping their congregants to get exemptions from the Covid-19 vaccine has been very challenging. In my research, I have found only one denomination in Canada that has a historical stance on vaccinations. That is the Dutch Reformed Church. 

So let me try to encourage those of you who have chosen not to be vaccinated.

1 — From the political view, most politicians, including Premier Doug Ford and Mayor John Tory, say that the vaccination passport is temporary.

That is good news as long as Covid-19 doesn’t continue to mutate into new strains that may need new vaccine versions. So hold on. Premier Ford last week announced March 2022 as the date these restrictions will be lifted.

Whether this disease is purposely man-made, accidental or a fluke, it is not from God. Jesus would treat it as he would all sicknesses and diseases he came into contact with — it is an enemy. In John 10:10, Jesus said it is Satan who comes to kill, steal and destroy. Jesus said he came to bring life. Let’s put our faith in God, way ahead of faith in politicians!

2 — From the faith point of view: if you have heard the Lord asking you to trust Him for your health and not take the vaccination, you don’t have to give in!

I wrote a book a while back about how faith works (The Faith Zone). When you and I hear from the Lord, we have to hold on to it. That process is “believing.” As we are believing, we ask the Lord more questions such as how do we do this? 

For most of you, the how has been a simple decision not to take the vaccination. Now you are in what I call the faith zone. You have done your part, and you are now waiting for the Lord to do His part in caring for you, providing for you and healing you. Well done!

I know of people in our congregation who are currently suspended from their jobs because they have felt the Lord speaking to them not to be vaccinated. They have heard the Lord say He will open other doors of opportunity for them. I congratulate these people! According to Hebrews 11, you are living by the revelations (Rhema) of God.

My challenge to you is to hold on to what the Lord spoke while you wait to see how the Lord will act. Don’t give in to peer and public pressure. Do what the Lord has told you. Also, don’t despair while you wait. Don’t look back and doubt. There are always breakthroughs for those who act on revelation!

3 — For those whose reasons are about “my rights,” this one is harder for me to understand.

I hear many people, especially on social media, talk about their rights as Canadian citizens not to be forced to do anything, including taking a vaccine. Paul, the apostle, only once used his rights as a Roman citizen to help his situation. In Acts 16:37-38, Paul was beaten before an investigation. He used his rights as a Roman citizen to be exempt from further punishment.

On the other side, I see Jesus, who released all his rights, to live and die for us. He told us that when governments prevail on us, we serve joyfully, going above what is asked of us. Matthew 5:41 talks about Roman soldiers being able to conscript a Jew to carry their backpack for a mile. Jesus said, go two!

For those of you who have confidence in the laws of Canada to defend you, keep going. Be the activist you are called to be. Fight for yourself and for others. Know that you may need to hire lawyers to help you. Know, you may be misunderstood by many, and you may face criticism for fighting. My question to you is this: is this vaccine a fight and a cause you are willing to die for? Is this your calling, or is this a distraction designed to keep you from the actual assignment God has given you? Be careful that you don’t find yourself loving the law more than loving grace and mercy. 

4 — For those with medical challenges, I’ve had many conversations with people with health concerns relating to wearing masks and vaccinations.

Our church has followed the law in asking people to wear masks indoors. When people say they have a medical reason not to, we bless them not to wear a mask. 

One couple in our church community talked to me about their desire to have a child. They were unsure if the rumours about infertility were accurate regarding the vaccines. Another couple is pregnant right now and felt to wait until their baby is born. Without being in the medical profession, I think these are valid concerns. I would be doing the same as they are and waiting for more information. I would be consulting my family doctor and specialists to make sure I made the right decision.

To this group, I challenge you to make informed decisions by talking to your doctor. Your doctor will know more about you and your health in the best way possible.  

5 — For those who simply don’t want to be told by the government what to do:  I can’t agree with you on this point.  To be against this mandate without a conviction from the Lord is dangerous ground, in my opinion.

I was reading about several very vocal media personalities in the States who have been anti-Covid advocates. They have taken the stance that is characterized as conspiracy theories. Sadly three of these voices who denied Covid-19 have just died of Covid-19. To me, their stubbornness may have resulted in their premature deaths. If this is you, please open your heart and ask the Lord if your motives are pure. 

In 1 Peter 2:18-21 Peter writes an encouragement to people who are under authority to have hope if you suffer for being godly. But his warning for those who suffer because of bad behaviour, is “why?” Basically he says God isn’t on your side if you are fighting the wrong issues.

6 — For those of you concerned that the vaccine may contain aborted fetuses. From all the research that I have done, including asking input from those in our congregation who actively campaign for life; there is no definitive proof that the first vaccines used an aborted fetus. 

Almost all vaccines build on previous ones. The first of the modern vaccines began in the 1970’s and did use a fetus. But no one took note if the fetus was from a still-born child or an aborted one. So we have silence and neither side can prove their case.

To conclude, each person’s reasons regarding this vaccine will be unique. We live in a secular society where public belief is that medicine and vaccinations will keep us healthy. That is true on one level, but many have more faith for a vaccine than for God to be their saviour and healer.

Paul told his protege Timothy to drink wine for his stomach. I’m sure that was after he prayed for his healing. King Hezekiah was told by Isaiah the prophet, to eat a fig jam for his healing. The Lord can and does use natural and medical means to bring healing. God also does miracles!

The stats show that vaccinated people don’t die of Covid-19 at the same levels as those not vaccinated. I believe vaccines in general are a way in which the Lord prevents sickness and diseases (which come from Satan). If we wear glasses until we are healed of sight issues, I don’t have a problem taking a vaccine until the Lord gives us victory of this disease called Covid-19.

As I wrote in my blog about why I was vaccinated, I did so because of my calling. The Lord’s voice to me to be able to travel for my role, trumps any concerns that I may have had for what is or isn’t in the vaccine. Just as many of you have had the Lord speak to you not to have the vaccine yet, He is able to speak to others to say don’t worry about taking the vaccine.

Everyone was given a choice and we have all made a choice. We are overcomers! We made a decision based on our convictions, our callings and our right to choose. Let’s live as overcomers, not victims who blame others for the consequences of their decisions.

So, church family, whether you are vaccinated or not, know you are all equally loved and accepted. Let’s continue to have grace for each other. Let’s not judge those who have heard or think differently. Let’s do what the Bible says and “make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.” Ephesians 4:3

Steve Long is the Senior Leader of Catch The Fire Church (Toronto). He is the author of several books including The Faith Zone and My Healing Belongs to Me. Steve and his wife Sandra serve on two apostolic teams; one for the City of Toronto as well as Catch The Fire World. They live in Oakville, Ontario, Canada.



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